问候语 站点名称手机站


时间:2023-10-23 10:16 问候语


In an English classroom, starting the day with a warm greeting is essential to create a positive and welcoming environment for both the teacher and students. These greetings not only help set the tone for the day but also promote a sense of community and mutual respect among everyone in the class.

Here are some common English greetings that can be used before an English lesson:

  1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone!
  2. Hello, class!
  3. Hi, everyone!
  4. Welcome, everyone!
  5. How is everyone doing today?
  6. I hope you all had a great day so far!
  7. It's great to see all your smiling faces!
  8. I trust you all had a restful weekend/holiday.
  9. Let's get started, shall we?
  10. Are you all ready for today's lesson?

These greetings not only acknowledge the presence of the students but also express the teacher's enthusiasm and readiness to engage in the day's learning activities. Moreover, by addressing the class as a whole, it allows for a sense of inclusivity and belonging among all the students.

Remember, starting the class with a friendly greeting can go a long way in creating a positive and productive learning environment. So, don't forget to greet your students with a smile and a warm welcome before diving into the day's lesson!